Why MMBA? | Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Association


Why Join The MMBA

So, Your Voice Can Be Heard:  We have been aggressive in helping to shape regulations through these turbulent times

  • Liaison with the Division of Banks
  • Legislative Connections
  • Direct work with the Attorney General’s office
  • Active PAC with top area lobbyist on retainer

Education & Sales Training: Topical, timely and relevant

  • Live/Online MLO courses taught by the area's top instructors
  • Compliance training for personnel
  • Learn how to apply regulatory and legislative changes to your business model.
  • Processing, underwriting, secondary and servicing; we have programs for all involved in the industry at all levels.

Compliance and Communication: We translate complicated compliance issues

  • Immediate E-information on compliance issues.
  • Access to a network of compliance specialists
  • Members only quarterly compliance conference call
  • Training customized to keeping banks, lenders, brokers & credit unions compliant.

Networking Opportunities: Take your business to the next level.

  • Social Events
  • Ability to sponsor MMBA events
  • New England Mortgage Bankers Conference (NEMBC)
  • Connect with the best:

          1. Appraisers, Realtors, Attorneys, Investors, Software providers

Website: The MMBA is now offering as a member benefit the opportunity to post 2 job positions free of charge. (Available to active member companies only). WWW.MASSMBA.COM
